New Diet, New Life

Almost two weeks ago I started a new diet which is more like a new lifestyle in an effort to control my Diabetes Type 2. The diet is designed to lower you weight and get your blood sugars in a normal range until you don’t need medication any more.

I’m not going to tell you the name of the diet or the doctor who prescribes it because I wouldn’t want anyone to try such a diet without asking their doctor first. But if it works for me I will shout it from the rooftops!

The diet includes both raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds. It avoids red meat and sugar, but does allow a bit of chicken and fish. It also avoids dairy, sugar substitutes, salt, oil and highly processed foods.

So far I am not hungry on the diet and I have lost my craving for sugar. But I although I don’t crave things like red meat and sugary foods, I’m kind of sad that I can’t eat them, you know? I’m already gluten-free because of having Celiac Disease , and I just feel like ,Why can’t I just be normal?, Why can’t I have an ice cream cone in the summer?, What will I do on vacation?, Why do restaurants have to be such a nightmare?

But I try to remember that avoiding these foods will help me avoid further complications with diabetes and other illnesses and will hopefully make me live longer. I want to try to live as long as I can for Tyler and be healthy while I’m doing it.

Like I said, it’s only been less than two weeks, too soon for the weight to come down where I can see results and smaller sizes of clothing. I’m sure that when that starts happening I will be psyched!

Meanwhile, Jacques went on the diet with me and his pants are already falling down! Ugh, men!

(Photo credit: )


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About mamasick

Emily Cullen is a pen-name. I suffer from chronic illnesses and diseases which include Bipolar Disorder, Asthma, Diabetes and Fibromyalgia. I had battled Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis but there is no longer evidence of me having these diseases and my Rheumatologist has declared them to be "burnt out" of my system. I am separated from my husband, “Grant”. Our son, “Tyler” was born in September of 2006 and suffers from tics and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and is delayed in fine and gross motor skills. In my blog I seek to let sick moms know that they are not the only ones going through this, and to educate people about what can happens when one becomes catastrophically ill. I also strive to break down stereotypes of what a “Welfare Mom” is like. Anything that I have gone through due to being sick, is written on the pages of Mama Sick.
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