I have had been friends with Karen through Twitter, ButYouDontLookSick, and she is also a reader of my blog.
She is temporarily in trouble and all I can do is ask for your help. She has Fibromyalgia so badly that she is wheelchair bound. She lives with her mother and three cats. They are in North Carolina, living in a hotel temporarily until they can move back to Alabama where they have family support . They had to move into a hotel because their lease was up. Her and her mother thought they would be able to use her mother’s income tax refund to stay longer in the hotel but it had to be spent on other things.
Karen has emailed, called, and texted friends and family members asking for help, but no one has gotten back to her. I know how that feels and it hurts and is scary.
Her mother gets paid again on May 12th, so things will be better then. $184 would get them the hotel for Sunday through Wednesday nights, including a bit of food for them both.
In order to donate via credit card, you can call The Red Roof Inn at 919-469-3400. Because this is a third party payment they will fax you an authorization form to make the payment at 919-460-9027. You will then fill out the form necessary to allow them to charge your credit card.
New! Easier way to donate! Karen has set up a Pay Pal account. keddins3@marykay.com
Every little bit helps, no amount is too small! I am proud to say that my mother is going to be the first donor, as soon as we can get to Staples in the morning!
Please do consider helping Karen and her mother during this temporary crisis. Thank you.

Karen, along with her friend's daughters