One of the things I love about living where we do is that you can be in New York City one weekend and down on the farm the next. All of you people who make fun of New Jersey think about that one!
The Fall Festival at our local farm is a mostly annual tradition. We didn’t go last year because Tyler’s preschool took him there on a field trip but if you want to read about Fall Festival 2009 and compare pictures of Tyler you can do that here.
The thing I like about it is that it is a lot of stuff in a very compact area and is walkable for me. They also have great handicapped parking. Thanks to Grant receiving his disability we have a little more breathing room and it was one of the first times in literally years that I did not worry so much about what we were spending. I cannot tell you how it feels NOT to have that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you are trying to have fun but worrying about all the money that is going out. We can’t go crazy because we desperately need my disability but we can have a little fun.
The first thing we did was eat! I had BBQ-ed beef with macaroni and cheese and okra on the side. Yummy! Tyler was happy with his mac and cheese. The picnic tables were right by the band which was a little loud for Tyler and I. I love the heat and it was about 80 degrees. Tyler and I both wore shorts. Shorts on October 9th, yes! I would be happy with this weather all year long and I am treasuring these last few hot days. But Tyler felt it was too hot to eat so much. “Sun, I am going to kill you, sun!”
After our feast we went on the hayride to where you go pumpkin picking. As I was bumped around with the rest of the our fellow hayriders I thought about how only during pumpkin picking season would you be willing to pay almost four dollars a head to be on the most uncomfortable ride of your life!

Grant, Tyler, Me and my breasts on the hay ride. Yes, my breasts deserved to be named as you can plainly see.
After the hayride we found a Talking Pumpkin who told us how he came to be, from seed to the way you see him today. Too cute!
And then it was time to pick our gourds and pumpkins to decorate the inside and outside of our house. Along with some apple cider, apple cider donuts, New Jersey blueberry iced tea and old fashioned candy! I treated myself to some gourmet peach and vidalia onion salsa and we even found a little stuffed Spookley the Square Pumpkin for Tyler.
It took everything Grant and I had to attend this festival on Sunday. I was depressed, thinking about how if it wasn’t for Tyler I would be able to be resting at home comfortably and not exposing myself to increased pain and fatigue. Grant has agoraphobia and at the last minute he decided he was coming with us.
We all wound up having an awesome time. When we got in the car I thanked Tyler. “I would have never gone to the Festival if it wasn’t for you, honey, and I had the best time. I am so happy that you are in my life, because you take me to places I would never go to.”
And yes, I did feel crappier than usual yesterday, but you know what?
It was worth it!
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