The One Who Makes Me Laugh

Inspired by Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop.

Writer's Workshop

3.) What was the last thing that made you laugh?

There is no one on earth who can make me laugh like my seven and a half year old son, Tyler. Comedy seems to be one of his greatest gifts…or possibly I am just his mom and he is actually no funnier than any child.

Consider the joke he made last week:

“Mom, have you ever had beetles in your stomach?”

“Tyler, no, that is impossible, that won’t happen to you, don’t worry about it!”

“Have you ever had bees in your stomach?”

“Ewww, Tyler no! That’s can’t happen!”

“Well have you ever had butterflies in your stomach?”

I don’t know about the rest of you but he got me on that one.

Tyler is often willing to play the fool, especially when he used the ladies’ room with his little girlfriend to make her scream.

Sometimes he makes me mad with his antics, but I usually have to admit that they’re pretty funny.

This Monday was his first day of summer vacation and he was about as crazy as you’d expect a kid to be given his first taste of freedom.

I was using our only bathroom and he frantically knocked saying, “Mom, I’ve got to go!”

“Alright, Tyler I’m almost done…”

“Mom, I’m just going to use the litter box. It’s right here and I can just aim…”

“Tyler don’t use the litter box! Look! I’m done, I’m done!”

I opened the door.

“You’re too late”, Tyler said matter-of-factly, looking down at the evidence.

“I don’t think the cats will use now, I’m going to have to redo it!”, I said, getting the supplies.

“But it was funny mom, wasn’t it?”

“No, it was NOT funny!”, as I tried not to laugh.

“Yeah, it was funny and you know it.”

I never came right out and said that I thought it was funny, but am I raising a comedic genius or what?!


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About mamasick

Emily Cullen is a pen-name. I suffer from chronic illnesses and diseases which include Bipolar Disorder, Asthma, Diabetes and Fibromyalgia. I had battled Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis but there is no longer evidence of me having these diseases and my Rheumatologist has declared them to be "burnt out" of my system. I am separated from my husband, “Grant”. Our son, “Tyler” was born in September of 2006 and suffers from tics and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and is delayed in fine and gross motor skills. In my blog I seek to let sick moms know that they are not the only ones going through this, and to educate people about what can happens when one becomes catastrophically ill. I also strive to break down stereotypes of what a “Welfare Mom” is like. Anything that I have gone through due to being sick, is written on the pages of Mama Sick.
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