Welcome to all! I am the Featured Blogger today for the SITS Girls website. For my regular readers who don’t know what SITS (The Secret to Support) is all about, I am part of a group of more than 10,000 women bloggers dedicated to supporting each other by leaving comments and learning about blogging. You may have heard of their “Bloggy Boot Camps”, one day conferences in major cities all over the country for women to learn how to be better bloggers, to network and just have some fun! Being a Featured Blogger is a big deal so yay for me!
I am “Emily” and I started this blog when I became too sick to work after being diagnosed with Lupus. I have a husband “Grant” who also suffers from chronic illnesses (lucky us!) and a five year old son, “Tyler”. I have a weekly post theme called “Tuesdays With Tyler” in which I spotlight mostly the wonderful and occasionally the not so wonderful times of Tyler’s life.
I also have other physical illnesses such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and mental illnesses such as Depression and Anxiety. From Twitter and forums and support websites, I knew there were many moms out there like me who were raising a child or children while being chronically ill. My blog offers support to those like me, trying to be the best moms they can be while facing challenges which can include chronic pain and fatigue or depression.
Besides writing about chronic illnesses, I write about women’s issues, daily living, and being a mom in general, you know, your typical mommy blog stuff! While I want to show well moms what chronically ill moms go through, I also want them to know that we are more alike than different. As difficult as life can be, I do try to see the humor and fun it can offer, especially when it comes to being a mom.
I speak very openly about my illnesses and how they affect me. I continue to feel inspired when I receive comments from people such as “You write what I cannot” or “You express exactly how I am feeling, thank you for doing this!”
I hope these posts will give you more of an idea of what my blog is all about:
Why I Just Said No to NaBloPoMo
Tuesdays With Tyler: Halloween!
If you are a first time visitor thanks for stopping by and I do hope you will come again! And for my loyal readers, thank you for always coming back, you keep me going!
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